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"Motherless child of a local family, she has seven doting coeds to bathe her, warm her bottle and turn her on the other side when she cries. Diapers and baby dresses hang on the clothes-line in the back yard, visitors with colds are banned, and the best lead for conversation at the home economics building is, 'How is the baby?'
Update: In 2018, Indian government has apparently banned many more sites in the country, including popular but controversial -- yet legal -- websites like torrent tracker RARBG or porn sites like Xvideos and Pornhub. But apparently Indian internet users have figured out a way to access these blocked websites. To know more, read: Porn websites blocked in India? In theory yes, in practice no because users access them with simple tricks
Update: And yet again there are hundreds of more sites have been blocked in India, including popular porn sites like Pornhub and Xvideos. Right now, people are saying that the sites are prominently banned on Jio network, but actually the ban is in response to a directive by Department of Telecom, reports PTI. Over 800 websites have been banned. Now, use methods to access the websites that have been blocked if they are illegal but if it is a popular website like Wikipedia that has been banned, may be try a few tricks.
Since last few years, India is blocking websites left and right. Most of the time the websites have been blocked on the basis of John Doe orders, which are so vague and arbitrary that even courts that have agreed to them are now raising eyebrows and striking a word of caution. Many more sites are banned due to some random decision somewhere else, likely taken on the basis of a link that then led to blocking of the whole site. So non-transparent and arbitrary is this whole exercise that is possible that Indian government doesn't even know how many websites have been blocked in the country and on what reasons.
If this problem occurs it means that you must have been banned by YouTube. Connect to another WiFi spot if possible or use any VPN utility of your liking to change IP, after that try to download something from YouTube again. 2ff7e9595c