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macOS Logging Subsystems In A Gist: Creating and Installing a Logging Configuration Profile

Well, I've just played with various instructions to disable the console logging (or disable the logging of certain apps) but it looks like the whole system is so riddled with bugs that what's supposed to work does not actually work. Various additions to asl.conf just don't work as they should, and nor does creating specific config fies per app in the /etc/asl/ directory.

macOS Logging Subsystems In A Gist

I'm really no idea if anybody is following this but I did some digging in the log man file, and found the following command will do the trick to stop logging of a particular app in macOS Sierra (you'll need to use pgrep to find the app/process PID and specify it):

This works. It's hacky, but it it works if you want to disable most logging. The script could do with error handling/trapping but as it stands you could feasibly turn this into an Automator action and add it to your user startup items.

I'm experimenting at the moment with running Jon H's script every half hour to quell as much app/process logging as possible. I added a "sleep 0.05" command upon each iteration of the loop because otherwise the script starts to hog processing power, and the fans spin-up. To make it run every half hour it's via a launchd script.

As a side note, a Dropbox component is incompatible with the log-killing command (I forget which). If you attempt to turn off logging for that particular PID then the command just gets stuck, and won't proceed until you Ctrl+C to quit.

In some specific scenarios, it is useful to enforce the default logging of a binary (or an app) to debug for troubleshooting purposes.To ensure debug level logging is saved for a given subsystem you can run one of these commands:

Last mention on privacy. As we saw, Unified Logging is designed to not log any kind of private information.For investigation purposes, this might be disabled. Within the SystemLogging documentation, there is mention of a specific key that can enable the logging of Private Data:

Apple introduced os_log with iOS 10 and macOS 10.12 in an attempt to provide a better universal logging system.1 It supersedes the ageing Apple System Logger (ASL) and comes with features expected from a modern logging system:

The admin one is required for accessing the log store. If we attach to both our app and logd, we can modify the flow at runtime to trick it into believing the entitlement is there, and voila, logging works on iOS!

address_standardizer, address_standardizer_data_us, apg_plan_mgmt, aurora_stat_utils, amcheck, autoinc, aws_commons, aws_ml, aws_s3, aws_lambda, bool_plperl, bloom, btree_gin, btree_gist, citext, cube, dblink, dict_int, dict_xsyn, earthdistance, fuzzystrmatch, hll, hstore, hstore_plperl, insert_username, intagg, intarray, ip4r, isn, jsonb_plperl, lo, log_fdw, ltree, moddatetime, old_snapshot, oracle_fdw, orafce, pgaudit, pgcrypto, pglogical, pgrouting, pgrowlocks, pgstattuple, pgtap, pg_bigm, pg_buffercache, pg_cron, pg_freespacemap, pg_hint_plan, pg_partman, pg_prewarm, pg_proctab, pg_repack, pg_similarity, pg_stat_statements, pg_trgm, pg_visibility, plcoffee, plls, plperl, plpgsql, plprofiler, pltcl, plv8, postgis, postgis_tiger_geocoder, postgis_raster, postgis_topology, postgres_fdw, prefix, rdkit, rds_tools, refint, sslinfo, tablefunc, tds_fdw, test_parser, tsm_system_rows, tsm_system_time, unaccent, uuid-ossp

GitHub user and community member Daehahn is working on a PowerShell Script to automate this process. The comment thread starts here and the gist for the PowerShell script for wsl2-network.ps1 is here. It resets firewall and portproxies, finds your default distro's new IP, and sets you up again. Save this .ps1 somewhere, read it, and run "unblock-file wsl2-network.ps1" on it so you can set up your system quickly for Shushing into your WSL2 instance!

In addition to the default configuration file, Tauri can read a platform-specific configuration from tauri.linux.conf.json,, and tauri.macos.conf.json (or Tauri.linux.toml, and Tauri.macos.toml if the Tauri.toml format is used), which gets merged with the main configuration object.

Monitor for newly constructed files by using the logging agents on Kubernetes nodes and retrieve logs from sidecar proxies for application and resource pods to monitor malicious container orchestration job deployments.

Periodically baseline registered SIPs and trust providers (Registry entries and files on disk), specifically looking for new, modified, or non-Microsoft entries.[38] Also analyze Autoruns data for oddities and anomalies, specifically malicious files attempting persistent execution by hiding within auto-starting locations. Autoruns will hide entries signed by Microsoft or Windows by default, so ensure "Hide Microsoft Entries" and "Hide Windows Entries" are both deselected.[38]

Using AuthenticationConfiguration.EMPTY should only be used as a baseto build a configuration on top of and should not be used on its own. Itprovides a configuration that uses the JVM-wide registered providers andenables anonymous authentication.

Once the WildFly Elytron security framework is activate for a deployment at the time requests are being handled the globally registered AuthConfigFactory will be queried to identify if an AuthConfigProvider has been registered which should be used for that deployment - if an AuthConfigProvider is found then JASPI authentication will be used instead of the deployments authentication configuration. If no AuthConfigProvider is found then the authentication configuration for the deployment will be used instead, this could mean authentication mechanisms from a http-authentication-factory are used or mechanisms specified in the web.xml are used or it could even mean no authentication is performed if the application does not have any mechanisms defined.

Any updates made to the AuthConfigFactory are immediately available, this means that if an AuthConfigProvider is registered which is a match for an existing application it will start to be used immediately without requiring redeployment of the application.

The layer and application-context attributes are used when registering this configuration with the AuthConfigFactory - both of these attributes can be omitted allowing wildcard matching. The description attribute is also optional and is used to provide a description to the AuthConfigFactory.

Configuration defined in this way is immediately registered with the AuthConfigFactory so any existing deployments using the WildFly Elytron security framework that match against the layer and application-context will immediately start to make use of the configuration.

The APIs defined within the JASPI specification allow for applications to dynamically register custom AuthConfigProvider instances, however the specification does not provide the actual implementations to use or a standard way to create instances of the implementations, the WildFly Elytron project contains a simple utility that can be used by deployments to help with this: -

As an example this code could be executed within the init() method of a Servlet to register the AuthConfigProvider specific for that deployment, in this code example the application context has also been assembled by consulting the ServletContext.

Syslog audit logging logs security events to a syslog server using a transmission protocol.WildFly Elytron supports using UDP, TCP, or TCP with SSL, with the latter protocol requiringa SSLContext to be defined. When syslog audit logging is first defined, Elytron will sendan INFORMATIONAL priority event to the defined syslog server containing the message"Elytron audit logging enabled with RFC format: ", where is theRFC format that the audit logging handler has been defined with, defaulting to RFC5424.If the given syslog server is not defined, resulting in Elytron being unable to send themessage, then Elytron will keep track of the amount of attempts that sending a message hasfailed, up to a maximum defined by the reconnect-attempts parameter, beforeclosing the endpoint and reporting an error. It is possible to define this valueas infinite, by specifying -1, in which case Elytron will never close theendpoint and so will always attempt to send audit messages despite previous failures.

Using the following command will generate a syslog audit logging resource that connects withUDP, does not send any further messages to the syslog server if there is an error sending,records audit events in a simple format, and uses RFC3164 to describe the audit event.

Using the following command will generate a syslog audit logging resource that connects withUDP, attempts to send messages 10 times if there is an error sending before no longer sending messages,records audit events in a simple format, and uses RFC5424 to describe the audit event.

Using the following command will generate a syslog audit logging resource that connects withUDP, always attempts to send messages despite previous failures sending messages, records auditevents in a JSON format, and uses RFC5424 to describe the audit event.

An alternative to using a legacy properties-realm in Elytron is to usethe new filesystem-realm. An Elytron filesystem-realm will use file-backedauthentication methods to secure the server. It is now easy to migrate from alegacy properties-realm to an Elytron filesystem-realm by using theElytron Tool. The new Elytron Tool command, FileSystemRealmCommand, will convertthe given properties files and create an Elytron FileSystemRealm, along with a scriptwith the WildFly CLI commands for registering the FileSystemRealm and Security Domainon the WildFly server. After using the tool, it will still be necessary to configurean authentication-factory and an application-security-domain, as in the stepsabove. 2ff7e9595c

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