Based upon reciprocal social interactions, language-based communication and the perception of others' emotions, in light of their own introspective thoughts and emotions, humans presume that others have a mind similar to their own. By envisioning future interactions with other individuals, the outcomes of those future interactions can be biased in one's favor. Similarly, the ability to predict the thought processes and actions of others provides major advantages in navigating what are often complex social landscapes in human societies. However, the inferring of agency, beliefs and intentions in others, is dysregulated in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorders (Senju, 2012; Martin et al., 2014). The diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on a person suffering from delusions, hallucinations and disorganized speech, often accompanied by or oscillating with negative symptoms such as anhedonia, social isolation, and lack of motivation. A key feature of schizophrenia is a blurring of the lines between external reality and internal imagination, between patterns that are real and those that are mentally fabricated (Larøi et al., 2012; Howes and Murray, 2014). The hallucinations and paranoia that occur schizophrenia patients could be considered a pathological dysregulation of the imagination and mental time travel categories of SPP.
In schizophrenia, patterns generated within the brain are perceived as external. At other times, schizophrenia patients may experience paranoia, an unrealistic belief that others intend to harm them, and a fear of persecution. Such delusions can severely compromise the ability of schizophrenics to perform well in school, a job and social settings. However, more subtle paranoid beliefs are common among the general population, and may often be beneficial. For example, when returning to one's car in a dark parking lot, the belief that there may be a robber lurking in the vicinity will prompt behaviors that reduce the chance of being mugged. Similarly, not providing personal information to strangers can prevent identity theft. For most high-functioning individuals in modern society there is a balance between trust and paranoia, based upon a rationale appraisal of the situation based upon experience and understanding (Green and Phillips, 2004; Nelson et al., 2012). It has been proposed that religion and schizophrenia have similar evolutionary underpinnings (Dein and Littlewood, 2011). In this view, both theory of mind and attributing life events to an external agency are hyperextended and intrude thought processes and actions excessively. One way to view the brains of those who believe in a God, particularly fundamentalists, is that they have a low level of trust in people and so fabricate an external agency, a security blanket in which they trust.
Dawkins God Delusion Epub 88
Manifestations of anarchic elements in African communities... were and to some degree still are pervasive. These include the partial or complete absence of hierarchical structures, state apparatuses, and the commodification of labor. To put this in positive terms, [some societies] were (and are) largely self managed, egalitarian and republican in nature. [65]
This book takes its reader to a fictional African nation called the Free Republic of Aburiria and brings a postcolonial edge to folk storytelling. Featuring tricksters, lovers, and magical elements, Wizard of the Crow is a hilarious satire of autocracy and an experimental feat that cleverly incorporates oral traditions into its grand vision.
Dawkins sostiene che la fede in un creatore sovrannaturale si qualifica come un delirio (delusion in inglese, termine presente nel titolo originale del libro), che egli definisce come una credenza falsa e persistente, mantenuta anche di fronte a forti prove contraddittorie. È concorde con l'osservazione di Robert Pirsig secondo cui "quando una persona soffre di delirio parliamo di pazzia, ma quando ciò accade a molte persone parliamo di religione."[6]
Il titolo originale in inglese è The God Delusion. Dawkins stesso spiega nel capitolo 1 che God (traduzione letterale del Dio cristiano) è una metafora che indica l'idea di una o più divinità creatrici a cui vengono attribuite caratteristiche tipicamente umane. Dawkins chiama "personal god" (dio umanizzato) tale idea. Nella prefazione, invece, Dawkins spiega il significato del termine delusion: rifacendosi al Penguin English Dictionary, l'autore definisce delusion una "credenza o impressione falsa". In italiano la traduzione letterale è delirio (da non confondersi con delirium). Tuttavia, dal momento che la parola "delirio" in contesti non psicopatologici ha assunto un significato diverso[8], l'edizione italiana utilizza "illusione". Il significato in italiano del titolo originale si avvicina quindi a una perifrasi del tipo "L'illusione delirante dell'idea di divinità creatrice umanizzata".
For first, there is not to be found, in all history, any miracle attested to by a sufficient number of men, of such unquestioned good-sense, education, and learning, as to secure us against all delusion in themselves; It forms a strong presumption against all supernatural and miraculous relations, that they are observed chiefly to abound among ignorant and barbarous nations; or if a civilized people has ever given admission to any of them, that people will be found to have received them from ignorant and barbarous ancestors, who transmitted them with the inviolable sanction and authority, which always attend received opinions It is strange, a judicious reader is apt to say, upon the perusal of these wonderful historians, that such prodigious events never happen in our days (Hume, 1777: pp. 78-80).